Thursday, 20 June 2019

Still alive - just very, very busy!

Well hi everybody!  So the last few years have been, well, busy!  Unfortunately, not on the hobby side!  Fear not though, this is a message to say that this site is not dead - it is merely in hiatus whilst I focus on my university degree. 
As much as I enjoy painting and modelling my models, I kind of need to get my pharmacy studies done so I have a job to pay my bills (and of course, get more models!)

There is much in the work in the background however, and should I have the time available to me, I will begin to add links to information about my different military forces I am building up.

In the meantime, here are some extra shots of miniatures I have been painting or converting in the limited spare time I have.  A lot of these conversions were first-time 'proof of concept' models, that will be replicated now that they have successfully worked out. 

Aerial forces will also start making more of an appearance, as I start to expand into both 1/700 scale aircraft for flying units, and 1/285 models for those caught on the ground!

I have put a significant amount of effort into a number of my imagi-nation forces, especially this particular one which now has light battle tanks, first-generation IFVs, anti-tank missile units and airmobile armoured cars!

So yes, fret not people, the gears of this page may be in neutral at the moment, but the paint is still getting thrown around on occasion!