So... it's been a long time between drinks for this blog.
I could go into the long and convoluted tail of woe and sorrow that the last few years have been, but really it all boils down to the following...
My life getting totally turned around not once, but twice, in the space of five years, two interstate moves back and forth in Australia (basically like moving from Florida to Montana, then back again (although we're on the upside down part of the world so it gets colder when you travel down unlike Florida!), two career changes, and having to have major surgery to sort a couple of really nasty health issues.
Couple that with COVID and a couple of big wars in the world - and I'd say I've just explained everyone's general "last five years"!
So yes, it's been a ride, and my hobby time, including this site, definitely disappeared and took a hit. However; in saying that, I'm finally back in the saddle with a whole kit of new things to look into!
I'm still doing the 15mm sci-fi, but it is very secondary to the 6mm projects. However; there will be more of them in the future as I have slowly been building up a stockpile of great models from the various 15mm producers (and more than a few non-15mm models that fit with a scale agnostic vibe).
6mm has moved forward a little, but like the 15mm it too had to take a back seat to life, depression and getting myself back in the saddle - but I have some very, very interesting stuff to share in the coming weeks as I begin to build out and playtest my own South African military force built around Team Yankee force book dynamics. I call it 'SAVANNAH STORM', and will keep people in the loop as I build out the details - a surprising amount of which is already done.
Above are just some examples of the work I am putting into this project, I think it's a field of the Cold War that really deserves to be examined further - especially as it was one of the few places where the Cold War really did thaw out and become the hot mess that was feared!
The 6mm imagi-nations will also be continuing alongside my SADF adventures, as I build them out for future gaming to act as support elements for my testing of the Savannah Storms rules and for general interest.
Finally, I am dipping my toes into the 3d-printing world, although 'dipping' them is really more "wondering why the hell the machine won't print a basic M113 APC it's just a box on treads for goodness sake" right now!